Wouter Van Twillert

Business Unit Lead Kyden

During my career I’ve had a variety of roles ranging from Software Developer to Management
and Sales positions whilst being a Project Manager in the mean time. What connects these roles is simply said: ‘people’. Bringing people together, creating teams and developing people to ensure they realize their potential, has always been more than just a job subscription.

I use my technical background to connect the dots between the art of the possible of an idea and the down-to-earth reality of a product. While working with people on innovative and creative ideas to create tangible results for clients ranging from UWV to Friesland Campina, I have achieved broad and practical knowledge and skills. These projects, clients and roles have enabled me to think, adapt and act quickly.

Within Kirkman Company I am Practice Lead of the Public Private Ecosystem Practice. We identify opportunities in order to tackle societal issues in an innovative way. By mobilizing parties and using their competences in successful partnerships. Based on a common interest and in an enterprising manner. We help public organizations that want to involve the market in solving such issues. Together with different parties, we create enterprising opportunities for societal challenges. We build successful public-private ecosystems based on diversity. We help create the vehicle (legal, financial and fiscal) for and are at the baseline of realizing success.


Email: woutervantwillert@kyden.com

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