ESG nieuwe norm private equity
ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) brengt een funda...
As a Partner and Head of International Services at RSM Netherlands, I have over 25 years of experience in providing high-quality tax and business consulting services to internationally active companies that have a focus on growth. I lead a team of over 50 tax and business consultants with a strong focus on international matters and servicing multinational companies that are contemplating or expanding their investment into Europe.
I also lead our RSM Foreign Desk Program with strong areas of focus on the USA, Germany and the UK, which is established to help serve foreign companies with operations in Europe and/or the Netherlands as their gateway. I am a thought leader in Global (tax) policy matters and the ESG Consulting leader for RSM Netherlands, helping our clients navigate the complex and evolving tax and sustainability landscape. I am passionate about delivering value-added solutions that align with our clients' strategic goals and vision.
tel:+31(0)23 530 04 00
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