Joukje Janssen

Partner ESG

I am partner in PwC and jointly responsible for the ESG team. In the recent years I have developed a strong focus on sustainable finance and responsible investments.

My personal belief is that an integral approach towards informing stakeholders in the most transparent way includes relevant aspects of environmental and social criteria. In the current environment this means that organizations need to make deliberate strategic choices regarding sustainable finance, both financial institutions as well as the companies in the real economy. Anyone who knows me, understands that for me sustainable finance goes far beyond just meeting the set of regulations and accompanied requirements. After all, if we want to meet the Paris Agreement - we need to do way more than just the bare minimum regulatory requirements.

A pragmatic approach and critical attitude towards the clients I advise ensure I act as a trusted business advisor. Would you like to know more about which approach best suits your organisation? And what the quickest route to achieving the desired sustainable finance ambition is? Get in touch with us. We will be happy to talk to you. Due to my operational experience as Corporate Responsibility Officer I am able to bring in practical and personal experiences of the operationalization process an organisation will go through.

Recent projects include, amongst others:
- gap analysis, impact analysis, implementation and training on Sustainable Finance;
- support various leadership levels in Sustainable Finance;
- actively support ESG Integration;
- integating the sutainable development goals in the strategic overview of organisation.
- ESG upskilling

Next to being a Sustainable Finance leader I am the treasurer at the board of Amnesty International Nederland.

Specialties: Sustainable Finance Regulation, Leadership levels in Sustainable Finance, ESG Integration, SDG Sustainability, Financial Sector, Financial Services, Responsible Investments, ESG due diligence, deals, ESG criteria, PSI, PRI, Equator Principles, Integrated Reporting


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