Angelique Lombarts


Broad experience, in (interim) management, consultancy, and research. Passionate about organizational culture and hospitality; analyzing and addressing the challenges with organization’s corporate culture, identity and image. Entrepreneur, strategic thinker, stimulator of creative and reflective thinking, getting things done.

Works with highly educated professionals in both private and public organizations, i.e. universities (of applied sciences), health care and education institutions, hospitality companies, professional service firms, etc.

Specialties: Developing strategic policy & supervising transformation processes; (Re)structuring organisations & realising organisational culture changes ; Advising on and supporting professionalisation and change processes; Managing multidisciplinary teams/professionals in multi-stakeholder partnerships
Researching and advising organisations in the area of strategy & policy, organisational culture and structure, complex collaborations.

People describe Angelique as energetic, emphatic, cheerful, driven, optimistic, realistic, and
spirited. She has a large and diverse network in politics, business field and public sector.



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