Leontien Hasselman - Plugge

CEO ImpactBuying

Leontien has been part of the special Task Force for SMEs of the United Nations Global Compact and collaborated with the European Expert Group of the European Commission on CSR and SMEs.

In 2009 she became a LEAD Fellow by completing the LEAD Europe Leadership for Sustainable Development Program.

After leading SIM Supply Chain Information Management for 10 years, she is now CEO of ImpactBuying Group. Her main aim is helping retailers and brands in the FMCG sector understanding their supply chain and using these insights to create change in environmental and social conditions. The focus of ImpactBuying is on creating cultural change in buying organizations and focus goals and incentives on positive impact next to financial targets.

“With every thing that we buy, may it be food, clothes or experiences, we decide the world we want to live in. As consumers we have that responsibility but as buyers in retailer organizations even more”

She has been part of many conferences and has written articles and publications on this topic. Ms. Leontien Hasselman-Plugge has a master’s degree in European Economic Law and Corporate Law from the University in Utrecht.Ms. Leontien Hasselman-Plugge has been active in the field of sustainable development for twenty years. She started at UNEP (Division of Technology, Industry and Economics) From 2004, she has been working for the Global Reporting Initiative in Amsterdam where she was involved in the revision of the GRI Sustainability reporting standard and a Director of the supply chain reporting programme. Her expertise is focused on communicating CSR performance by companies regardless size or sector, applying the GRI, integrated reporting and the management process of sustainability reporting. She has trained many companies in understanding, measuring, improving and communicating CSR/ESG performance working primarily in the US, Australia, India, Brazil, China, and South America. Leontien has been part of the special Task Force for SMEs of the United Nations Global Compact and collaborated with the European Expert Group of the European Commission on CSR and SMEs. In 2009 she became a LEAD Fellow by completing the LEAD Europe Leadership for Sustainable Development Program. After leading SIM Supply Chain Information Management for 10 years, she is now CEO of ImpactBuying Group. Her main aim is helping retailers and brands in the FMCG sector understanding their supply chain and using these insights to create change in environmental and social conditions. The focus of ImpactBuying is on creating cultural change in buying organizations and focus goals and incentives on positive impact next to financial targets. “With every thing that we buy, may it be food, clothes or experiences, we decide the world we want to live in. As consumers we have that responsibility but as buyers in retailer organizations even more” She has been part of many conferences and has written articles and publications on this topic. Ms. Leontien Hasselman-Plugge has a master’s degree in European Economic Law and Corporate Law from the University in Utrecht.

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